Broken Arrow

Broken Arrow Historical Society
400 S. Main Street
+1 (918) 258-2616
Tu-F 10AM-4PM, Sa 10AM-2PM

Traces Broken Arrow's history from a small Muscogee Creek outpost to modern city. Highlights include Ernest Childers Cabin, artifacts from various periods, a playing of the film Broken Arrow and genealogical resources.

Centennial Clock
Located in front of the Farmer's Market

1 of 100 installed across Oklahoma for The State Centennial in 2007

Centennial Park
Across from Dooley's Angus Inn

This corner park on Main Street boasts a magnificent bronze of a pioneer family.

Veterans Park

The local BA memorial garden. It boasts two bronzes, one of local WWII hero Ernest Childers in Native regalia. The second is of a modern-day US soldier. The stone plaque in the garden contains all the names of BA citizens who have died in combat since 9/11.